Assessing Authentically: Queering Sexuality and Gender

This is a third-year optional unit led by Rosie Nelson in SPAIS. This unit offers an introduction into relevant issues and theory to explore contemporary sociological conversations around minoritized sexualities and genders – specifically, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer … Continue reading...

Queer-Friendly Classrooms: Respecting the process

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As we’ve frequently pointed to throughout this manifesto, creating queer-friendly classrooms is an ongoing process, and you will never be able to know everything about queerness or how to handle every situation. What we all must … Continue reading...

Queer friendly Classrooms: Calling people out.

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When a student says or does something that is offensive, it is important to talk to them about it. We know that this is a difficult task, as so many different situations call for different responses, … Continue reading...

Queer-Friendly Classrooms: Your Queer Student Is Not Your Queer Teacher

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Queer students are in higher education to learn just as much as non-queer students are. When attending a class, most queer students want to feel a part of the class cohort, rather than a teacher to … Continue reading...

Queer-friendly classrooms: Queer thought is not alternative thought

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Oftentimes, queer thought or theory -when included in the curriculum- is collapsed into a week or two of a unit. Calls to ‘queer’ the curriculum come in partnership with calls to ‘decolonize’ it; a practice being … Continue reading...

Queer-friendly classrooms: a manifesto (introduction and background)

This is a manifesto for higher education UK classrooms, for higher education teachers, by higher education queer students. When we say ‘higher education,’ we mean universities, colleges and the like, however much covered in this manifesto can be considered for … Continue reading...