So, I will be honest, I have been dwelling on this blog idea for a while now, and the reason I haven’t written it is because I was stuck. I was struggling to come up with the perfect name for … Continue reading...
Tag: Authentic learning and employability
The Office: authentic learning in civil engineering (full series)
Find out how James Norman created his own ‘company’, complete with its own office space in order to teach his Timber Engineering unit. Students worked on real briefs and projects as ’employees’ throughout this authentic and unique learning experience.
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Supporting graduate learners: Optimising the physical and digital environment for case-based learning in veterinary education
A Teaching Innovation Grant was awarded to Emma Love for 2018/19 for a project looking into support for graduates on the Accelerated Graduate Entry Programme (AGEP), specifically looking at the impact physical and digital space had on learning.
The group, … Continue reading...
Tales from a ‘School Trip’ to Langford
Last week, two of our student fellows, Marnie & Toby, went for a ‘school trip’ to Langford to visit the Clinical Skills Lab with Alison Catterall, and to meet with Chloe Anderson and Lindsey Gould. Chloe and Lindsey have developed … Continue reading...
A BILT Project: Evaluating a clinical skills lab as an active learning space: sharing best practice and identifying areas for improvement
A 2018/19 Teaching Innovation Grant was awarded to Alison Catterall, Rachel Christopher, Sam Brown, Sarah Baillie, the Clinical Skills Lab Team from Bristol Vet School.
The Clinical Skills Lab (CSL) at Bristol Vet School provides a student-centred learning space that … Continue reading...
Getting started with Experiential Learning
Who doesn’t like an adventure, a dive into the unknown, an unexpected challenge and the possibility of transforming who you are and how you think about the world? That’s what experiential learning can offer students by inviting them to learn … Continue reading...
Urban Spaces. Civic University.
The University of Bristol has pledged to make the city a better place1. Our research institutes are leading the charge to action this2, but how can we connect our research to our teaching? How can we … Continue reading...
Using visualisations to develop skills in astrodynamics
Learning about the geometry and kinematics of bodies and their trajectories through space (or ‘astrodynamics’) is challenging due to its three-dimensional nature. To address this, the University of Bristol have developed simulation exercises for students based on a constructivist learning … Continue reading...
Teaching Stories #2: Ann Pullen
The following teaching story was submitted by Ann Pullen, Faculty Education Director in the Faculty of Life Sciences and Programme Director for the MSc in Transfusion and Transplantation Sciences.
I’ve just been chairing the two day symposium on “Hot Topics … Continue reading...
Informal exploratory writing: three activities you can try with your students
The following post was written by Amy Palmer, BILT Digital Resources Officer.
Studies have shown there is a strong correlation between the amount of writing a learner completes and their attainment (Arum and Roksa, 2011). John Bean, in his book … Continue reading...