“I look forward to marking essays”

“I look forward to marking essays,” says Dietmar Wetzel.

Those of us who’ve been here a while will know that discussions about marking can feel like a tug of war. The best response to changing attitudes is to build flexibility … Continue reading...

Assessing Authentically: Queering Sexuality and Gender

This is a third-year optional unit led by Rosie Nelson in SPAIS. This unit offers an introduction into relevant issues and theory to explore contemporary sociological conversations around minoritized sexualities and genders – specifically, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer … Continue reading...

Insights from the International Assessment in Higher Education Conference 2023 

In June, I attended the Assessment in Higher Education International Conference #AssessmentConf23. It was a jam-packed two-day programme of speakers, combining traditional keynote and research presentations with masterclasses, mini-keynotes and round-table presentations. I was also able to present some of … Continue reading...

Staged assessments in large Economics unit

In 2019, I became the unit director in Economic Principles, a compulsory unit for first year undergraduate students in Accounting and Finance. Even though students are highly-skilled and the entry requirements for these courses are strict, the students’ writing skills … Continue reading...

Crafting our student’s reflective voice: how to improve the art of writing reflectively.

Implementing the Patchwork Text

Many of our programmes in the university use written assignments for summative assessments, and students are required to demonstrate reflective learning and critical engagement within their writing. Students from both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes must join … Continue reading...

Supporting the ‘jump’ from school to university

As BILT associates, we’ve spent the last year or so thinking about how we can help students with a diverse range of needs transition into university life. While others in the team have started to look at these issues at … Continue reading...

Student Hackathon: What did we learn?

As we look forward to our next student hackathon we have taken the opportunity to pause and reflect the outcomes of July’s event.

During the hackathon, students reflected on their learning experiences and took part in activities to promote discussions … Continue reading...