Getting more out of the QAA

Most staff will be familiar with the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) and its remit to advise the Office for Students (OfS) and enhance standards for the higher education sector. Did you know that their resources are accessible to everyone at … Continue reading...

Supporting PGRs who teach

The University relies on many different forms of teaching contributions, from guest lecturers to external industrial partners, community organisations, and of course our academic teams. There is also a dependency on postgraduate research (PGR) students to serve as teaching support … Continue reading...

Student Fellow reflections on equality, diversity, inclusion

The BILT Student Fellows were recently briefed on the University’s strategy for Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) and why it’s important. Training was kindly provided by Robiu Salisu and Zoë Pither at the Student Inclusion Service. Student Inclusion Officer … Continue reading...

Learning to live well in lockdown: A student’s diary on the Science of Happiness course

When I heard the Science of Happiness course was being made available, I was immediately curious. Not only did Bruce Hood’s course offering provide the prospect of doing something to cheer me up during lockdown, but because I’ve spent the past year admiring the authentic learning techniques used in the Bristol Futures course. … Continue reading...

Calm and Concentration: Framing Mindfulness as a study skill as well as a wellbeing practice.

Amid COVID-19, many of my peers and I were forced to come to terms with the fact that we would not see cherished friends, colleagues, and tutors for an indefinite period. I was struggling to find the words and internal … Continue reading...

The Big Scary Word Beginning with C (not that one)

This might not seem like a time of opportunity. Everything is cancelled or postponed, and it seems like our worlds are shrinking (both metaphorically, and physically – something I’m acutely aware of as I’m currently working out of my dad’s … Continue reading...

Bristol students to host wellbeing conference

University of Bristol students have come together to host a free wellbeing conference open to students, staff and members of the public.

The conference, which is themed ‘Looking to the Future’, is being held on University Mental Health Day and … Continue reading...