Supporting graduate learners: Optimising the physical and digital environment for case-based learning in veterinary education

A Teaching Innovation Grant was awarded to Emma Love for 2018/19 for a project looking into support for graduates on the Accelerated Graduate Entry Programme (AGEP), specifically looking at the impact physical and digital space had on learning.

The group, Continue reading...

When Problems Create Solutions: A Problem-Based Approach to Teaching


Problem based learning (PBL) is an approach to teaching that supports creative and complex problem-solving. It seeks to address open-ended problems and real-world scenarios that researchers and industry encounter in professional practice. The higher education sector has employed PBL … Continue reading...

Is There Any Link Between Design Thinking and Essays?

The following post was written by James Norman, a BILT Fellow and Senior Teaching Fellow in Civil Engineering. 

It’s strange how a number of unconnected events can form an idea in your mind.

This weekend I stayed with my sister … Continue reading...