Microbiology live online lab practicals

The following case study was written by Dr Isabel Murillo and was conducted in collaboration with Dr Jon Tyrrell and Dr Cheryl Whittles.

The Practice

Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (MMID) is a first year unit run by the Cellular … Continue reading...

Online Exams

The challenges and recommendations for moving to online exams.

Please note that the video can be viewed full screen by clicking on the double ended arrow (second icon from the right).

More content can be found on the BILT video Continue reading...

Swimming against the research current

A scandal ripped through the higher education sector recently as the public statements of Researchfish were held accountable by researchers across the UK. If you haven’t heard of Researchfish, it’s an American-owned company contracted by the UKRI to data capture … Continue reading...

For research-richer or poorer

Bristol is a research-led university, and our Education Strategy positions us in terms of a research-rich curriculum. Within and far beyond the institution, research-led terms are seen as both engaging and problematic. As we embark on emboldening what Bristol means … Continue reading...

Are student researchers ethical?

Read the whole series.

The third edition of the Student Research Journal is in the works! The University of Bristol has many students that put out insightful research, and of course, with research, comes concerns over ethics. I interviewed three … Continue reading...

Oops, I forgot to get informed consent (Part One)

Read the whole series.

It might seem obvious that people participating in research must agree to participate. This is what we call ‘informed consent’, where a participant is told of all the potential risks and benefits of participating, what being … Continue reading...

Unethical Research Kills : the importance of ethics in any research

Read the whole series.

Before ethics was recognised as an essential part of scientific research, researchers ran amok trying to find correlations and causations, paying no mind to the impact their research had on participants or society. Some researchers even … Continue reading...

Hybrid teaching – Implications for academic practice

Dr Jonny Johnston an Academic Developer in the Centre for Academic Practice at Trinity College Dublin presents his case study, ‘Hybrid teaching – Implications for academic practice’.

More content can be found on the BILT video siteContinue reading...

What pedagogies support students to become better researchers?

This is a guest blog from Tadeas Dvorak, one of our Student Digital Champions.

Higher education needs to go beyond designing research-informed degrees. By building communities of practice within the student body, universities can help students to experience and Continue reading...