Student research conference on manufacturing processes.

A Teaching Innovation Grant was awarded to Dr Aydin Nassehi for the academic year 2017/18.

As part of the 2018 Festival of Learning and Teaching Dr Aydin Nassehi presented his project.

A student research conference as a formative and summative … Continue reading...

Flourishing vs languishing students in HE

A Teaching Fellowship was awarded to Fabienne Vailes for the academic years 2017/18 – 2018/19.

Read Fabienne’s in-depth blog post, ‘Well-being in Education – what if building flourishing institutions was the answer?’

At the beginning of her project ‘Flourishing Continue reading...

Finding my teaching voice – Experiences of postgraduate students with teaching responsibilities.

A Teaching Innovation Grant was awarded to Louise Howson for the academic year 2017/18

During the 2018 Festival of Learning and Teaching (FOLAT) Louise presented her project.

View the presentation recording

Download the PowerPoint presentation

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Using learning communities to support the development of doctorate supervisory skills.

A Catalyst fund was awarded to Dr Kate Whittington for the academic year 2017/18, the project was supported by:  Professor Sally Barnes and Dr Anne Lee.

During the 2018 Festival of Learning and Teaching (FOLAT) Dr Kate Whittington presented her … Continue reading...