Learning about the geometry and kinematics of bodies and their trajectories through space (or ‘astrodynamics’) is challenging due to its three-dimensional nature. To address this, the University of Bristol have developed simulation exercises for students based on a constructivist learning … Continue reading...
Tag: Engineering
Is There Any Link Between Design Thinking and Essays?
The following post was written by James Norman, a BILT Fellow and Senior Teaching Fellow in Civil Engineering.
It’s strange how a number of unconnected events can form an idea in your mind.
This weekend I stayed with my sister … Continue reading...
Teaching Stories #1: Rulers for All
Our first teaching story was written by Dr James Norman, BILT Fellow and Senior Teaching Fellow in Civil Engineering.
For many years I worked as a practicing engineer. One of the tools I could not do without as an engineer … Continue reading...
Student research conference on manufacturing processes.
A Teaching Innovation Grant was awarded to Dr Aydin Nassehi for the academic year 2017/18.
As part of the 2018 Festival of Learning and Teaching Dr Aydin Nassehi presented his project.
A student research conference as a formative and summative … Continue reading...