Developing the success of our PGR community

Living between the worlds of student and staff, Postgraduate Research students (PGRs) are an important part of the research ecosystem. To be successful they must make an original contribution to knowledge whilst navigating their own identity as an emerging researcher.… Continue reading...

Growing Confidence, Building Bonds and Finding Inspiration: Liberal Arts in Italy 

What does it mean to experience the aesthetic? How is that experience accumulated? How does it feel? And how does knowledge of what came before help us to understand a particular aesthetic? These are some of the questions driving the … Continue reading...

From fuzzy to compassionate

Many moons ago, I started working on Education for Sustainable Development. At the beginning, it was seen as a ‘fuzzy’ topic, not scientific enough, and too touchy-feely-tree-huggy. Oh! How the winds have changed as sustainability is mainstream in pretty much everything we do now. Staff … Continue reading...

Student tutors + informal setting = ‘Maths Cafes’

Since the Summer BILT Hackathon, I’ve been thinking about the concept of the ‘familiar stranger’ and what we can do to tackle this issue in the University. After seeing the ‘Maths Cafes’ in the Good Practice Guides developed by AQPO, … Continue reading...