Case Study: The Foundations Conferences

Offering autonomy and creativity in presented group work for year 1 healthcare students.

Discover the aims, impact and future of the conferences.

External Examiner Feedback

…opportunity for student to collaboratively develop and discuss their learning with tutors and peers in

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Case Study: Approaches to active learning in large group teaching

School of CAME, Engineering.

Working with 120 students at one time can be challenging but also offers many opportunities.

Listen to find out:

  • How students are assisted to build their confidence and become self sufficient in an interactive environment.
  • How
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Case Studies: Embedding employability and community engaged learning

The Faculty Employability Team consult and advise academics in embedding employability into their curriculum through activities such as authentic learning. 

The Team have been busy working with academic colleagues developing new embedding employability and engaged learning case studies.  There are … Continue reading...

Sustainable investing guest lecturer insight into growth areas and career exploration

Financial Reporting and Analysis EFIMM0030

Unit information

This is a mandatory unit on the Finance and Investment MSc programme, with a cohort size of 176 in 2021/22. In focusing on the preparation and articulation of the main financial statements the … Continue reading...

Surfacing skills development through alternative assessment methods.

Banking EFIM20032

The Practice

The Banking unit is an optional Year 2 and 3 unit for various undergraduate programmes in the Business School, with approximately 80 students in 2021/22. Formative assessment requires students to work in groups from the outset, … Continue reading...

Developing practical engineering skills through self-directed exploration

A Case Study on developing practical engineering skills through self-direct exploration.

Dr Francesco Fornetti explains how home lab kits and simulation tools can help spark curiosity and exploration among engineering students.


Practical skills are an essential part of any engineering … Continue reading...

Microbiology live online lab practicals

The following case study was written by Dr Isabel Murillo and was conducted in collaboration with Dr Jon Tyrrell and Dr Cheryl Whittles.

The Practice

Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (MMID) is a first year unit run by the Cellular … Continue reading...

In the Wild

Enhancing employability through Engaged Learning

Stories abound that “Universities are failing to make students employable.”[1] Yet digging further into the evidence, perhaps inevitably, suggested that the picture was rather more nuanced.  Students learn a huge range of skills that … Continue reading...