Student Fellow reflections on equality, diversity, inclusion

The BILT Student Fellows were recently briefed on the University’s strategy for Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) and why it’s important. Training was kindly provided by Robiu Salisu and Zoë Pither at the Student Inclusion Service. Student Inclusion Officer … Continue reading...

Toppling Colonisation : reflections for Bristol

This summer, students in Bristol were juggling multiple major responsibilities at once:  managing the pandemic; adjusting to online assessments; and fighting different forms of injustice. The city made global headlines in June after the statue of Edward Colston was toppled by protesters in the Black Lives … Continue reading...

Addressing disparities and the shadow pandemic

As universities continue to be affected by the Covid-19 situation, colleagues are asked to redesign the curriculum for online and blended learning, as well as continue other academic duties remotely. Much of the conversation focuses on this stressful experience for … Continue reading...