The benefits of Student Partnerships

This summer, the University of Winchester held the inspiring Generation Z in Higher Education Conference. After attending a presentation on Students as Partners in Enhancing Digital Teaching and Learning (EDTL) by Maynooth University, I’ve been reflecting on the benefits … Continue reading...

Experiments under pressure

Dr Jonathan Floyd’s recent presentation to Education Committee impressed the University’s education enthusiasts so much that a request was passed to me to get in touch and share what he had to say.

A recent awardee of the ‘Jennie Lee’ … Continue reading...

Creative Futures: Tools for changing the world (Case Study)

About the unit:

In order to innovate in whatever field, from healthcare to engineering, education to the arts, we all use visions of the future – consciously or not. But where do such visions come from? Whose visions and whose … Continue reading...

BILT Briefing: Issue 60


BILT Presents: ‘The Connected Conference’ – taking place online on 14th July

We are delighted to invite you to the annual BILT conference! This year’s BILT conference will explore how different connections have been established and nurtured, both in-person … Continue reading...

Employability in the curriculum – Engaged Learning

Employability in the Curriculum series.

As challenging as the pandemic has been, it has provided the opportunity to think about things differently. Our last blog explored authentic learning in the curriculum – what it is, why it matters, and some … Continue reading...

Employability in the curriculum – the Why and How of real-world learning

Employability in the Curriculum series.

‘Real-world’, or ‘authentic’ learning are terms you are probably familiar with by now. This approach is a key feature of the curriculum framework, and one on which BILT have already shared a lot of Continue reading...