Meet the National Teaching Fellowship nominees – Professor Paul Wyatt

Paul is a Professorial Teaching Fellow and Senior Academic Developer in the School of Chemistry and was recently nominated by the University to apply for the Advance HE, National Teaching Fellowship scheme in 2021.

After I finished my degree in … Continue reading...

Meet the National Teaching Fellowship nominees – Professor Alan Champneys

Alan is a Professor of Applied Non-linear Mathematics within the Department of Engineering Mathematics and was recently nominated by the University to apply for the Advance HE, National Teaching Fellowship scheme in 2021.

During more than 25 years as a … Continue reading...

Engaging students in the blended environment

Professor Tansy Jessop (Pro Vice-Chancellor Education) speaks to Professor Paul Wyatt about a range of blended learning techniques used to keep students engaged. … Continue reading...

Reflections on a crisis – opportunities for a teaching overhaul

Beyond the immediate impact on people’s lives and livelihoods, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has caused a great deal of disruption in how we work. The burden on academics, particularly with respect to teaching, has been considerable. But are there positives that … Continue reading...

Supporting Students as Researchers: flipped teaching

I began university like many other students, with little knowledge of what research is or the processes behind it. Yet, almost three years later, I graduated having conducted my own independent research project. This was a huge milestone in my … Continue reading...

Active, Collaborative Students as Researchers

Toby and Emily design a form of assessment

We recently published our first issue of the BILT Undergraduate Research Journal and the fantastic engagement from students got us Student Fellows thinking: how can we bring this level of enthusiasm and … Continue reading...

A concise guide to filmmaking: for students & teachers

This resource is hosted on the School of Biological Sciences webpages view the guide, you will also be able to download the guide as a PDF.

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Putting the ‘Ex’ in Exams?

I didn’t finish Uni quite how I thought I would (to put it mildly). Ignoring, for now, the slightly terrifying world I’ll be graduating into (which is something I’m getting quite good at), one big change was in the way … Continue reading...