Different Forms of Injustice

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Regarding gender equality, the UN’s fifth Sustainable Development Goal, there is a long way to go to reach their target of empowering all women and girls globally. In this report, I will consider some … Continue reading...

Life Below Water: a glimpse into the connections beneath the surface

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Source: ‘School of Fish Swimming Underwater’ by Adriprayago Liemena (2019). https://www.pexels.com/photo/school- offish-swimming-underwater-7826494/

The year 2015 saw a ‘universal call to action’ to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that by 2030 all people … Continue reading...

Overconsumption as a form of Injustice

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Source: ‘Group of people protesting against police brutality’ by Mathis P.R. Reading (2020)

Injustice is a very relevant topic when considering societal and environmental challenges – but what is it? Injustice is often … Continue reading...

Wolf protection in Western Europe

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While the wolf has remained in some European ecosystems all the way despite the multiple human threats, like in Italy’s Abruzzi mountains, the wolf’s return has become a central topic amongst European conservationists and … Continue reading...

The Role of Economic Growth: Perspectives and Values in A Changing World

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For centuries economic growth has been valued as an essential and desirable characteristic of any aspiring nation. It has long been associated with significant reductions in extreme poverty, advancements in technological innovation, and large … Continue reading...

Getting more out of the QAA

Most staff will be familiar with the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) and its remit to advise the Office for Students (OfS) and enhance standards for the higher education sector. Did you know that their resources are accessible to everyone at … Continue reading...

No excuse not to embed Sustainable Development in the Curriculum: The Sustainability Champions are here!

They are finally here. In partnership with the Students’ Union, we have spent over a year creating hype and slowly introducing the roles of Sustainability Champions at the University of Bristol.

As I explained in my previous blog, these … Continue reading...

Digital-only course design: lessons learned from Sustainable Futures

The EAUC, Environmental Association of Universities and Colleges, is an influential leader worldwide on all things sustainability and climate change. I’ve attended several annual EAUC conferences in person and this year online for the first time. It’s always a big affair with thousands of attendees and … Continue reading...

Sustainable Development Goals and the University of Bristol: Are they the future?

The Covid-19 crisis has unleashed a hunger for verifiable evidence, rigour in evaluation and independent critical thinking of a high order – in sum, what typically a broad university curriculum delivers.” – Lucian J Hudson 2020

The Sustainable … Continue reading...

The Fierce Urgency Of Now: reflections on the 5th Sustainability in Higher Education Conference

Between the 18th and 21st of May, the fifth annual Sustainability in Higher Education Conference took place, jointly hosted by Canterbury Christ Church University and Plymouth University.  … Continue reading...