Tips for keeping students engaged and happy

In this blog, three colleagues share their tips for enabling student engagement. The approaches were developed during the pandemic and have been updated as we have moved back to face-to-face teaching. All examples engage with communities and resonate with how … Continue reading...

Getting more out of the QAA

Most staff will be familiar with the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) and its remit to advise the Office for Students (OfS) and enhance standards for the higher education sector. Did you know that their resources are accessible to everyone at … Continue reading...

The benefits of Student Partnerships

This summer, the University of Winchester held the inspiring Generation Z in Higher Education Conference. After attending a presentation on Students as Partners in Enhancing Digital Teaching and Learning (EDTL) by Maynooth University, I’ve been reflecting on the benefits … Continue reading...

The Connected Conference: keynote discussion on building communities in a digital age

The Connected Conference launched with a fantastic discussion between the BILT team and our keynote speakers Prof. Helen O’Sullivan (DVC and Provost at the University of Chester) and Dave White (Head of Digital Education and Academic Practice at the University … Continue reading...

Experiments under pressure

Dr Jonathan Floyd’s recent presentation to Education Committee impressed the University’s education enthusiasts so much that a request was passed to me to get in touch and share what he had to say.

A recent awardee of the ‘Jennie Lee’ … Continue reading...

Creative Futures: Tools for changing the world (Case Study)

About the unit:

In order to innovate in whatever field, from healthcare to engineering, education to the arts, we all use visions of the future – consciously or not. But where do such visions come from? Whose visions and whose … Continue reading...

Joyful Journal-ing: a Peer-led Journal Club in the Pandemic

Alison Blaxter shares her experience of helping set up a journal club with her students during lockdown, which led to her being nominated for a Bristol Teaching Award.

Bristol Vet School’s Bio-Veterinary Science Veterinary Nursing programme is a wonderful mix … Continue reading...

Top Tips for Building Inclusive Online Communities within Breakout Rooms

As the first post on the building inclusive online communities’ theme, I wished to clarify what the aims of this theme are to BILT. Building Inclusive Online Communities is about exploring how we can maintain our sense of social connectedness … Continue reading...

Learning from the experience of higher education in China

Chinese higher education institutions are ahead of the rest of the world in adapting to the Covid-19 pandemic, testing new approaches and technologies to identify the best ways to help their students. AdvanceHE welcomed staff and students to a live … Continue reading...