Tag: science of happiness
What does happiness mean?
Journaling for Happiness
Happiness Hacks: want to take control of your happiness?
Ebook: Benji’s Journey to Joy
Ways to Bee Happy
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Check the posts out on Instagram! @waystobeehappy
The science of happiness website
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Visit the website for the full experience https://hv21689.wixsite.com/my-site
… Continue reading...Happiness Hub Podcasts
Return to the Bristol Futures Showcase
Seven short podcasts for you to enjoy, expand the playlist menu by clicking the top right button in the player.
Learning to live well in lockdown: A student’s diary on the Science of Happiness course
When I heard the Science of Happiness course was being made available, I was immediately curious. Not only did Bruce Hood’s course offering provide the prospect of doing something to cheer me up during lockdown, but because I’ve spent the past year admiring the authentic learning techniques used in the Bristol Futures course. … Continue reading...