Research rich festival reflections

Surrounded by colourful bunting and endless tea and biscuits, the annual Student Research Festival was a bustling display of our talented Bristol students. Back-to-back presentations from across faculties showcased the depth and breadth of research undertaken by undergraduates and postgraduates. … Continue reading...

Swimming against the research current

A scandal ripped through the higher education sector recently as the public statements of Researchfish were held accountable by researchers across the UK. If you haven’t heard of Researchfish, it’s an American-owned company contracted by the UKRI to data capture … Continue reading...

What pedagogies support students to become better researchers?

This is a guest blog from Tadeas Dvorak, one of our Student Digital Champions.

Higher education needs to go beyond designing research-informed degrees. By building communities of practice within the student body, universities can help students to experience and Continue reading...