A BILT Project: Evaluating a clinical skills lab as an active learning space: sharing best practice and identifying areas for improvement

A 2018/19 Teaching Innovation Grant was awarded to Alison Catterall, Rachel Christopher, Sam Brown, Sarah Baillie, the Clinical Skills Lab Team from Bristol Vet School.

The Clinical Skills Lab (CSL) at Bristol Vet School provides a student-centred learning space that … Continue reading...

When Problems Create Solutions: A Problem-Based Approach to Teaching


Problem based learning (PBL) is an approach to teaching that supports creative and complex problem-solving. It seeks to address open-ended problems and real-world scenarios that researchers and industry encounter in professional practice. The higher education sector has employed PBL … Continue reading...

An interview with… Michaela Borg

Michela Borg is the Educational Development Manager in the Centre for Academic Development and Quality at Nottingham Trent University (NTU). She has been involved in our SCALE-UP work from the beginning. As they embarked on a pilot of the approach Continue reading...

‘Using Games in Teaching’ – 26/10/2018

The first ‘Using Games in Teaching’ event, organised by Chrysanthi Tseloudi and Suzi Wells from the Digital Education Office, saw 25 colleagues from across the University come together to discuss their experiences, hopes and ideas for gamifying learning. A wide range … Continue reading...

MAP: Bristol (Student project to monitor atmospheric pollution)

A Teaching Innovation Grant was awarded to Dr Chris Adams for the academic year 2017/18 – you can find a summary of the project he undertook with his grant below. If you would like to read the full report, please Continue reading...

Developing a guide to support the use of video in undergraduate assessment

A Teaching Innovation Grant was awarded to Dr Emily Bell, Dr Rose Murray and Dr Andy Wakefield for the academic year 2017/18 – you can find a summary of the project they undertook with their grant below. If you would Continue reading...

Building confidence and engaged researchers through active partnership and problem-based learning

A PowerPoint showing the re-design of materials and session to include weekly tests and problem based active group work.… Continue reading...