An interview with… Emily Bell, Building a community through CafeBio

As a previous BILT grantholder, Emily is no stranger when it comes to innovating in her teaching practice. After seeing her nominations for Bristol Teaching Awards, I got in touch to talk about the work she’s been doing over Continue reading...

Disabilities, accessibility and the student learning experience – how you can help

We recently published a blog by Imogen Andrews, Chair of the Disability Network, on her reflections on the learning experience of students with disabilities. We wanted to follow this up with a response from our team on how you support Continue reading...

Online Study Lounges: What they are, and how Study Skills have run them

by Dr Lewis Coyne, Study Skills Tutor for Social Sciences and Law

The past 10 months have brought about a minor revolution in the teaching and support offered at higher education institutions. The switch from in-person to online education hasn’t … Continue reading...

How can online communities enhance online learning?

It is no news that there has been a major change to the way curriculums are being delivered across the Education sector. There has been a distinctive rise of e-learning over the past couple of months, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely … Continue reading...

Top Tips for Building Inclusive Online Communities within Breakout Rooms

As the first post on the building inclusive online communities’ theme, I wished to clarify what the aims of this theme are to BILT. Building Inclusive Online Communities is about exploring how we can maintain our sense of social connectedness … Continue reading...

BILT Hackathon: 9 solutions to great asynchronous learning

The BILT Hackathon first involved us splitting into groups and discussing the main challenges that we as students are finding whilst participating in blended learning. Some challenges we discussed did not affect us all equally, for instance some students found … Continue reading...

Digital icebreakers

We’re all familiar with the use of icebreakers in workshops, seminars and meetings. Usually it’s a rapid-fire series of names, disciplines and role titles. They can also take alternative forms like an individual task that is then shared with the group in turn. For some, icebreakers are an essential … Continue reading...

Employability in the curriculum – the Why and How of real-world learning

Employability in the Curriculum series.

‘Real-world’, or ‘authentic’ learning are terms you are probably familiar with by now. This approach is a key feature of the curriculum framework, and one on which BILT have already shared a lot of Continue reading...