Employability in the curriculum: career thinking and the classroom

Employability in the Curriculum series.

If you’ve been following this blog series you should now have plenty of ideas about surfacing employability, developing students’ skills and providing opportunities for real-world learning ‘in the classroom’. If you’ve missed any, you can … Continue reading...

Employability in the curriculum – Engaged Learning

Employability in the Curriculum series.

As challenging as the pandemic has been, it has provided the opportunity to think about things differently. Our last blog explored authentic learning in the curriculum – what it is, why it matters, and some … Continue reading...

Employability in the curriculum – the Why and How of real-world learning

Employability in the Curriculum series.

‘Real-world’, or ‘authentic’ learning are terms you are probably familiar with by now. This approach is a key feature of the curriculum framework, and one on which BILT have already shared a lot of Continue reading...

Employability in the Curriculum – helping students to recognise it

Employability in the Curriculum series.

In our last blog we explored how you can surface and enhance employability in your units or programme. Now we move our focus to the reason we’re all here, our students. While it’s one thing … Continue reading...

Employability in your curriculum – what’s already there?

In our first blog post in this Employability in the Curriculum series., we introduced you to the concept of employability in the curriculum and why it especially matters now. If you missed it, take a minute to read hereContinue reading...

Employability in the curriculum – why does it matter?

Employability in the Curriculum series.

Many of us in the Careers Service have been participating in BILT’s fantastic Digital Design course over the past few weeks – and we’ve been inspired by all the innovative ideas and practice being developed … Continue reading...

An (a)typical day in The Office

Amy Palmer, Toby Roberts and Marnie Woodmeade all visited James Norman’s ‘The Office’ project and have shared their experiences below.

Amy’s reflection:

I’d been looking forward to visiting James’ ‘Just Timber’ office since before the concept had even come … Continue reading...