Bye-Bye Buffering: Three Alternatives To Using Zoom & Skype

As lockdown continues, most of us will by now have had some experience with Zoom or Skype, whether it’s an online tutorial or seminar, an overly complex ‘pub’ quiz, or a slightly awkward conversation with family, where you struggle to … Continue reading...

The Big Scary Word Beginning with C (not that one)

This might not seem like a time of opportunity. Everything is cancelled or postponed, and it seems like our worlds are shrinking (both metaphorically, and physically – something I’m acutely aware of as I’m currently working out of my dad’s … Continue reading...

Meet the Student Fellows… Toby Roberts

Hi, I’m Toby Roberts, and I’ll be working as a BILT Student Fellow alongside my final year as a Biology undergrad in Bristol. The project I’ll be working on is Active, Collaborative Learning.

I’m quite new to Bristol, having arrived … Continue reading...

No lecture theatres? No problem!

The following post was written by Amy Palmer, BILT Digital Resources Officer.

In 2012, the University of Northampton decided to embark on a challenge that would set them apart from all other UK universities.

Six years later their new, £330 … Continue reading...