Improving assessment literacy – introducing am online interactive Assessment & Feedback Portfolio to the School of Biological Science

A case study created as part of a Education Development Project with BILT in 2022/23.

The Practice 

Assessment is one of the key drivers of student learning. However, assessment and feedback continue to burden the higher education sector with low … Continue reading...

Case study: Supporting postgraduate tutoring through building a sense of belonging and community

A case study created as part of a Education Development Project with BILT in 2022/23.

The Practice

The Senior Tutor with five tutors supports 525 postgraduate students across our four masters’ programmes, two of which have very large cohorts (200+), … Continue reading...

Case Study: Whose work are we teaching? Quantifying gender and ethnicity representation of researchers used in undergraduate Biology teaching content 

A case study completed as part of a BILT Education Development Project in 2022/23 by Celine Petitjean and Dave Lawson.

The Practice

One of the most impactful aspects of learning science at undergraduate level is not just about the key … Continue reading...

Case study: Student engagement in BDS21 curriculum

Full title: Student engagement in BDS21 curriculum: exploring student and staff perceptions of and attitudes towards student engagement

Subject: Bristol Dental School

Submitted by: Patricia Neville PhD MA BA 

Education Development Project Funded by BILT 2022/2023… Continue reading...

Case study: Case-based learning for large cohorts

Full title: Applying small group case-based learning principles to larger cohorts to facilitate active learning

Subject: Veterinary Science

Submitted by: Leila Mulholland, BVSc1 

Education Development Project Funded by BILT 2022/2023… Continue reading...

Swimming against the research current

A scandal ripped through the higher education sector recently as the public statements of Researchfish were held accountable by researchers across the UK. If you haven’t heard of Researchfish, it’s an American-owned company contracted by the UKRI to data capture … Continue reading...

For research-richer or poorer

Bristol is a research-led university, and our Education Strategy positions us in terms of a research-rich curriculum. Within and far beyond the institution, research-led terms are seen as both engaging and problematic. As we embark on emboldening what Bristol means … Continue reading...

What’s past (and present) is prologue: considering changes to secondary assessment  

In secondary schools in England at the moment, students are preparing for public examinations which may represent the final assessment adaptations to Covid-19.  

Undergraduates who have studied in the UK and are now in their first and second years may … Continue reading...