The Impact of ChatGPT in Higher Education: A closer look

“The traditional college essay is dead,” were the words of Stephen Marche[1] about how the traditional/conventional teaching methods will be “disrupted from the ground up” by ChatGPT. As Marche (and many other writers[2] [3]) suggests, ChatGPT has … Continue reading...

Supporting the ‘jump’ from school to university

As BILT associates, we’ve spent the last year or so thinking about how we can help students with a diverse range of needs transition into university life. While others in the team have started to look at these issues at … Continue reading...

The Rise of ChatGPT

Artificial Intelligence is now so accessible that, with some clever steps, it can produce good quality essays that rarely get caught by plagiarism checks. The higher education sector is abuzz with talk on how this will affect the rate of … Continue reading...

What’s past (and present) is prologue: considering changes to secondary assessment  

In secondary schools in England at the moment, students are preparing for public examinations which may represent the final assessment adaptations to Covid-19.  

Undergraduates who have studied in the UK and are now in their first and second years may … Continue reading...

Co-designing assessments with students

Universities have been adopting ‘student voice’ mechanisms as a means of enhancing their programmes for some time. In my experience, this has been moderately successful, used to move assessment dates to avoid bunching, or reducing multi-part assessments to singular and vice versa. However, I wouldn’t argue that moving a hand-in date alone is co-designing an assessment. So, what would co-designing assessment entail? Universities … Continue reading...

Moving Assessment Online: Key Principles for Inclusion, Pedagogy and Practice

This AdvanceHE webinar was chaired by Patrick Baughan with presenters David Carless, Jess Moody and Jess Stokes discussing different aspects. The format of the webinar was that each presenter gave a 10-15 minute presentation (some followed these guidelines more closely … Continue reading...

The Big Scary Word Beginning with C (not that one)

This might not seem like a time of opportunity. Everything is cancelled or postponed, and it seems like our worlds are shrinking (both metaphorically, and physically – something I’m acutely aware of as I’m currently working out of my dad’s … Continue reading...

An (a)typical day in The Office

Amy Palmer, Toby Roberts and Marnie Woodmeade all visited James Norman’s ‘The Office’ project and have shared their experiences below.

Amy’s reflection:

I’d been looking forward to visiting James’ ‘Just Timber’ office since before the concept had even come … Continue reading...