As many of you will be aware, October is Black History Month. Every year, the same question emerges – why are we only choosing to recognise Black history in October? Black history is history and therefore should be recognised all … Continue reading...
Category: News
Metaphorically speaking!: Metaphors and educational research (Part One)
Our family recently returned from holidays, and on the outward and returning flight my three year old daughter was fascinated by the safety sheet she found in the seat pocket. She looked intently at the images, trying to piece together … Continue reading...
Insights from the International Assessment in Higher Education Conference 2023
In June, I attended the Assessment in Higher Education International Conference #AssessmentConf23. It was a jam-packed two-day programme of speakers, combining traditional keynote and research presentations with masterclasses, mini-keynotes and round-table presentations. I was also able to present some of … Continue reading...
BILT Briefing Issue 107
Happy Welcome Week to all of our new and returning students this week! We hope you’ve all had fun getting acquainted (or reacquainted) with the city in the rain!
Assessing Authentically: Mathematical Investigations
BILT Student Fellow Dominique Duff interviewed colleagues from four units across the University to share their authentic assessment practices in this blog miniseries.
This is a first-year unit designed to foster independent study skills and support the transition to university … Continue reading...
What’s happening with hybrid?
Following the disruptions of the pandemic, most of us moved our teaching online. As the health situation changed, so did our practice and many started to implement hybrid modes of teaching. The roll-out was fast and efficient though not without … Continue reading...
BILT Briefing: Issue 106
Welcome back! We hope you all had a restful and enjoyable break and are enjoying the lovely late summer sun we are having this week.
Student Research Journal: Issue 4 published!
Developing the success of our PGR community
Living between the worlds of student and staff, Postgraduate Research students (PGRs) are an important part of the research ecosystem. To be successful they must make an original contribution to knowledge whilst navigating their own identity as an emerging researcher.… Continue reading...
The Office – Summer Special
Back in the Autumn term of 2019 I ran a unit on Timber Engineering. Rather than give lectures I decided to make the unit more authentic by inviting students to come and work for my pretend engineering practice Just Timber. … Continue reading...
Lessons from the Career Development Seminar Series – the Third Way
This year, at the University of Bristol Business School, I organised a series of career development seminars titled ‘The Third Way’, aimed specifically at colleagues on a teaching and learning pathway (P3) contract. The intention behind this seminar series was … Continue reading...