Return to the Bristol Futures Showcase
Produced by Elisha Rodrigo (History), Chloe Staub (Criminology), Emma Conaghan (History)… Continue reading...
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Return to the Bristol Futures Showcase
Produced by Elisha Rodrigo (History), Chloe Staub (Criminology), Emma Conaghan (History)… Continue reading...
Return to the Bristol Futures Showcase
Produced by Mathew Blackmore (History), Lucy Condrup (History of Art), Ilona Hoffmann (Liberal Arts), Wilfred Kemsley (History)… Continue reading...
Part of the Resonance Pedagogy series, visit the home page.
Dr Christophe Fricker interviews Professor Hartmut Rosa, a professor of sociology at the University of Jena, working within the tradition of critical theory. He is known for his theory of … Continue reading...
Article by Wolfgang Endres, translated by Christophe Fricker, Part of the Resonance Pedagogy series, visit the home page.
How research made time for resonant relationships
Technology helps us save time and yet, we never have any. Sociologist Hartmut Rosa … Continue reading...
Part of the Resonance Pedagogy series, visit the home page.
This interview is part of Hartmut Rosa and Wolfgang Endres’s book “Resonanzpädagogik: Wenn es im Klassenzimmer knistert”, Weinheim: Beltz, 2016. The English translation is by Christophe Fricker. Publication with kind … Continue reading...
This Zine was created by BILT Student Fellow Kai Charles, working on the project ‘Experiences of Disabled Students’.
Return to the Bristol Futures Showcase
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Return to the Bristol Futures Showcase
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Seven short podcasts for you to enjoy, expand the playlist menu by clicking the top right button in the player.