BILT Briefing Issue 72

Get involved

Call for papers: ‘The Compassionate Conference’

We’re looking for colleagues to submit abstracts by 14th March, for our upcoming BILT annual conference, focusing on hopeful, compassionate and affective approaches to teaching. We want to showcase teaching that puts relationship building and care for others at the center.

We invite staff to contribute to conference sessions in the following theme areas: 

  1. Teaching that cares and challenges 
  2. Compassionate assessment and feedback 
  3. Nurturing student agency in learning  
  4. Caring for future generations – engaging students with sustainable futures  
  5. Fostering integrity and honesty in assessment  
  6. Staff wellbeing  

The conference page contains guidance and the submission form.

get in touch with us if you have any questions at

‘Show, tell and talk’ series

Throughout the rest of the academic year we’ll be hosting the ‘Show, tell and talk’ series, showcasing great practice from our colleagues and offering an opportunity for participants to ask questions and share as part of each session.

Our first three sessions are on peer feedback, the flipped classroom and assessment literacy (more details and booking links are in the Events section at the end of this Briefing).

Take part in our ‘Pedagogy Podcasts’ series

We are looking for contributors for a new Pedagogy Podcast, a series of short conversations which centre on a range of thinkers/concepts or theories related to learning, teaching and assessment.

The podcasts will feature in our new Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP) and on our HEA Fellowship Scheme and will also be widely available for everyone across the University. Find full details and contact information here.

Call for case studies: large group teaching

We are still looking for case studies on large (>200) group teaching! If you’re doing something interesting and would like to share it with us, please get in touch at

Opportunities for students

Join our Subject Editorial Boards

We are looking for Editors, Deputy Editors, Copy Editors and Peer Reviewers to take part in our 2022 Student Research Journal. We have received over 100 abstracts and need students to form 12 different subject boards. Please share this brilliant opportunity with your students! Find out more on our website.

Engineers Without Borders ‘Solve Our Ocean’ competition

Deadline for applications Sunday February 13th. Do you want to help solve one of the biggest threats to our world today? This year EWB have a BRAND NEW ‘Solve the Ocean’! With a slight twist on the previous ‘Solve the City’ projects, they will be holding a 5 week design challenge in person for budding Engineers, focused on protecting our oceans from the pollution and rubbish that humans produce. Visit the Facebook page


Transformational Experiences Hackathon report

We’ve written up a report of our latest hackathon, sharing the findings on what students believe makes a transformational experience at University and what we can do to help create a more positive experience. Read the Hackathon report.

Rethinking blended spaces

Our Student Fellow Ellen Graves has shared her experience of using the University’s blended spaces and what she believes will make this type of working a success. Read ‘Rethinking blended spaces’

Are student researchers ethical?

BILT Student Fellow Tasha Suresh has shared the third installment of her ‘Ethics’ series, interviewing three students about their experiences of ethics and research. Read the new ‘Ethics’ series post.

No excuse not to embed sustainable development in your curriculum now: meet the Sustainability Champions!

Our Student Fellow Carlos Shanka Boissy Diaz has introduced some of the new student Sustainability Champions and shared details of the rest in this new blog post.

Decolonising the Curriculum mailing list

Sign up to the mailing list to receive the Decolonsing the Bristol curriculum newsletter, events and more.


Accessibility and Blended Learning Conference, 23rd March, 1 – 5pm (online)

Our Student Fellows Kai Charles and Ellen Graves are hosting an afternoon of events highlighting the ipmportance of accessibility and blended learning. Read the programme and book your tickets here.

“Re-imaging the MSc project” workshop, 7th March 1pm – 2pm.

In this online workshop Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) nominees the Digital Health Project Team will present a recently implemented new model of group-based project. The session will outline staff and student feedback and explore how the model could be applied across other postgraduate programmes. Register for the workshop

Show, Tell and Talk series, multiple dates

We have three events in this series coming up in the next few months:

Decolonising Education: From Theory to Praxis – Seminar two: Conceptualising decolonisation as praxis, February 24th, 1 – 2.30pm

The aim of this online seminar is to set out our initial understanding of decolonisation as praxis. We will return to reconsider this understanding in the conclusion. The seminar will run from 1 – 2:30pm (last 30 mins is for discussion). Full details and register here.

Research Supervisor Workshop, 25th & 28th April

We are hosting two workshops for staff looking to develop their knowledge and skills in research supervision. The workshops are being held on April 25th (2 – 3.30pm) and April 28th (10 – 11.30pm). Full details and booking information are available here.

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