Issue 102

It was fantastic to see the Bristol Teaching Awards ceremony return to an in-person event for the first time since 2019. With over 1000 nominations received this year it was a great opportunity to celebrate our brilliant colleagues who are inspiring students with their innovative teaching techniques. This year we were also able to celebrate award winners from the CREATE (Cultivating Research-rich Education and Teaching Excellence) scheme.


We invite you to view our winners galleries by clicking on the images below. Many congratulations to all those nominated and to this year’s winners. 

Bristol Teaching Awards Winners. Golden apple icon on the left side

Case Study: Approaches to active learning in large group teaching

by Sean Lancastle and Julian Kendall

blue bright lights

Working with 120 students at one time can be challenging but also offers many opportunities. Find out more about the active learning approach adopted by these educators, and the impact it had.

Case Study: The Foundations Conferences

by Dr Sarah Allsop, Dr Juliet Brown, Dr Santiago Rodriguez and Dr Nihal Bandara

“…opportunity for student to collaboratively develop and discuss their learning with tutors and peers in the three different formats is perhaps cutting edge in terms of educational initiatives…”

person s hand with paints

Jisc Teaching Staff Digital experience Insights survey

If you teach as part of your role at the University, we need to hear from you!

The University has launched the Digital Experience Insights Survey for teaching staff. The results help better understand how you use the University’s tools and will directly feed into the Digital Learning Environment Review. Jisc use the insights surveys to benchmark the sector too. Read the previous years’ reports.

The survey shouldn’t take longer than 10-15 minutes to complete, and is anonymous.

Closes 15 June 2023.

The BILT AI Playground

Last Monday saw BILT host our first ‘AI Playground’ at Ivy Gate. If you missed the event and would like to know more about artificial intelligence, we’ve made the slides from all four presenters on the day available here.

ESDN: Biodiversity Challenge

Run by Professor Steve Simpson and Dr Paul Merchant

Tuesday 13 June 1-4 pm, lunch included
Fry Building LG.20
Open to academic and professional staff

This is an opportunity to build connections with staff across the university who deliver programmes or lectures encompassing sustainability. You will work in teams to develop an interdisciplinary proposal to the set challenge and present them to each other. Hopefully, you will come away with connections for guest lectures or inspiration to develop interdisciplinary case studies or workshops or anything else!

RSVP to for catering purposes (and to be added to the calendar event)

Design for Mars Workshop: Staff

What would you need to design and build on Mars to survive? Join this workshop to explore how a resource-scarce environment would influence your design and engineering choices. Explore your ideas about how can you use resources creatively. We will also discuss the recent public art project ‘Building A Martian House’ and what approach the artists and scientists took to build their version of a house on Mars. View the exhibition of images of the project on the way in! Please sign up to save your place.

Mars landscape with an astronaut and small Mars rover buddy

Thursday 22 June 2023.
2 pm-4 pm

Queen’s Building, University Walk. Bristol. BS8 1TR

Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship events

The Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship is hosting 3 events on 27 and 28 June 2023.

Wednesday 28 June 2023

Developing Innovative and Enterprising Students, 10 am-1 pm

Join us for an exploration of how to encourage your students to be more innovative, creative, enterprising, resourceful and collaborative!

Lunch is provided from 1 pm to 2 pm.

To register please email

Innovation Soft Skills – Creating a Bristol Pipeline, 2 pm-4:30 pm

If you have a stake in developing or recruiting the next generation of innovation workers please join us to discuss how to arm our graduates with skills in design thinking, user research, venture creation and more.

To register please email

Tuesday 27 June 2023

How to think like an (Effectual) Entrepreneur, 9 am-4 pm

AM – Professor Saras Sarasvathy, University of Virginia, explains what it means to be an effectual entrepreneur and how to apply this mindset to your own projects and ventures. 

(As Professor Sarasvathy will be joining us online, it is hoped that this portion will be run as a hybrid session.)

PM – a fun and engaging workshop where you will work in teams to create your own effectual tool kit.  The best toolkit will win a prize!

For those interested specifically in the pedagogy – there will be a 2-hour interactive discussion on the topic run as a splinter session.

Lunch is provided.

To register please email

BILT’s final event of the academic year

Click on the image for further information and to register.

BILT Annual Conference 2023. Building community and belonging in a challenging and changing world. 12 July. 9.30 am to 6 pm. The Bill Brown Suite. Keynote speakers: Professor Nicola Dandridge, Gail Capper and Sunday Blake Research poster presentations Presentations from staff & students Post conference drinks

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