CREATE Scheme Best Portfolio Award 2023

The CREATE Outstanding Portfolio Awards were introduced in 2022 to recognise the outstanding practice showcased by academic and professional services colleagues on the PGCAP and HEA Fellowship Scheme. Assessors on these programmes nominate portfolios that have demonstrated outstanding practice in one or more of the following:

  • combining research excellence and innovative teaching practices,
  • developing innovative student-centred teaching and learning approaches,
  • creating dynamic, flexible and inclusive learning environments,
  • supporting and empowering students and colleagues to reach their potential.

Congratulations to all those who have been shortlisted.

We are delighted to confirm the 2023 winners

Outstanding HEA Associate Fellowship Scheme Portfolio Award

Dr Jim Walker

Senior Research Associate. School of Chemistry.

Dr Jim Walker

Jim places students at the heart of their teaching and works hard to ensure success for all by cultivating a supportive and inclusive learning environment.

By taking time to get to know students, Jim fosters an atmosphere that allows students to learn from their mistakes.

Jim developed authentic group projects which engaged students with the city and, as a result, has provided a range of innovative assessment options for a diverse range of learners.

Outstanding HEA Fellowship Scheme Portfolio Award

Dr Emily Derbyshire

Lecturer and Director of Teaching on the Liberal Arts programme. School of Humanities.

Dr Emily Derbyshire

Emily demonstrated the great care they have taken to select appropriate, well researched and innovative learning approaches to engage their students.

Emily demonstrated an awareness of the ways in which students may be challenged, supported and successful, and how these considerations have influenced the teaching approaches they have adopted. 

Emily explored how they have used a variety of learning and teaching activities such as reflective journals and peer review to develop confidence in self-reflection in students and providing feedback to others. 

Outstanding HEA Senior Fellowship Scheme Portfolio Award

Dr Clare Siviter

Senior Lecturer in French Theatre and Performance.
Department of French.

Dr Clare Siviter

Clare articulated an impressive range of innovative approaches to teaching and course design including many collaborations and considerations for the differing stages of the student journey.

Clare explored their role as a unit director in which she draws on their own research to develop workshops and promote the scholarship of teaching and learning.

Clare promotes the involvement of junior female colleagues by leading sessions on the Female Leadership Initiative and demonstrated her leadership as an early-careers mentor for the University Council for Modern Languages.  

Outstanding PGCAP Unit 1 Portfolio Award

Dr Jude Bramton

Lecturer. Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Dr Jude Bramton

Jude shared strong examples of how they put students at the centre of planning and delivery in multiple ways – from improving understandings of the challenges students face to modelling and building in authenticity.

Jude uses approaches that ‘encourage imperfection’ as a way of supporting student wellbeing and resilience by recognising the importance of failure. 

Jude’s teaching, enables the promotion of students as co-producers of knowledge and the development of transferable skills required in industry.

Outstanding PGCAP Unit 2 Portfolio Award

Dr Lindsey Davidson

Lecturer. Department of Religion and Theology.

Dr Lindsey Davidson

Lindsey demonstrated her commitment to immersive learning and individualised support to ensure all learners can attain and learn from mistakes in a proactive manner.

In their practice, accessibility and inclusivity are built in in using self-assessment questionnaires to monitor confidence, as well as providing individualised support and guidance for students.

Lindsey demonstrated awareness of the need to carefully consider best practices in pedagogy when teaching the unfamiliar which enables the embedding of innovative, multisensory activities, such as role play and the use of props.  

Find out more about the CREATE Scheme

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