Jemma Rowlandson

Jemma Rowlandson

Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Fantastic lecturer – breaks down her topics so well and makes them interactive and easy to listen to. 

Bringing sheets of papers, pens, card games and much more to allow us all to interact with the subject in multiple manners, giving all students a chance and the encouragement needed to engage and learn. The class was the perfect blend of using async teaching, a brief recap in class and then activities to solidify the knowledge. 

Most of the content prepared are also linked to wider global themes such as improving sustainability and the nominee consistently establishes meaningful connections between these topics and the actual course content which provides students with key takeaways that encourage and inspire them to consider these topics whilst studying and also in future careers. 

It is also very fulfilling seeing the real world applications of what we learn especially for what can be a very abstract unit at times. 

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