Andrew Doherty

Andrew Doherty

Senior Lecturer, School of Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience

Being inventive and unique during all lectures, relating neuroscience content to music videos and graphics. Even going the extra mile to play a musical instrument at the front of a lecture theatre, in order for the content to be memorable and understandable. A credit to the teaching staff. 

Andrew greets participation with enthusiasm and encouragement, making it less daunting to speak up in front of others. 

When explaining the challenging lecture content, Andrew uses easy analogies to make the material understandable, as well as using compassion, relatability, and reassurance to prevent students from feeling overwhelmed or worried if they don’t understand straight away. 

Dr. Doherty is a dynamic and vivacious educator who provides a multi-dimensional and accessible learning environment to his students. 

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