Barbara Perks

Barbara Perks

Student Administration Manager, School of Physics

The Undergraduate Office has been run very well under her leadership over many years, and she has been hugely supportive both to members of staff within the school, and also to undergraduate students. As staff, we appreciate how much we have been able to rely on Barb, as an endless source of information and support. 

Barb is an absolute star when it comes to supporting students, she always goes above and beyond for everyone and is really appreciated by all Physics staff/students

Her help always comes from a genuine desire that the students should thrive on the degree programme right for them. 

Barb has supported endless people through difficult times and has always been encouraging of opportunities and truly wants the best for people. 

When it comes to supporting end empowering students, and having a flexible, inclusive environment, it is often the seemingly small things that really matter and make a difference. Key to this is Barb’s approachability and ability to make a difference so students know they are listened to and something is being done. 

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