Happy December. This is the last post of the year. It was supposed to be the last post in the series, but as you know, if you’ve been following this blog, we are not quite done yet.
Last week Oli and I met to discuss the book in light of the feedback we received from our reviewers. There was a huge amount of encouragement in the feedback. But also some room for improvement. So last week we discussed slightly restructuring the content and organising the content around answering some key questions on regenerative design.
Questions like:
- What is the case for regenerative design?
- How can we start to think more regeneratively as structural engineers?
- How do we design regeneratively?
- How can we create the opportunity for regenerative design?
- What might this all look like both now and in the future?
Last month, I shared a post and created an image based on my notebook. The image got a fair few comments on LinkedIn (which I hadn’t anticipated). As I leafed through my notebook whilst chatting to Oli about the questions it occurred to me – maybe sharing my raw scribbles as they are would be useful, so this month I have scanned and shared the 47 pages of A3 notebook which capture the development of my thinking in this area. They are not written for public consumption, they include my thoughts on topics that I have wrestled with and sometimes what is written doesn’t represent where I have ended up, but I thought, as we are sharing the book writing process, without photoshopping, that it was important to share.
The notes include the plan for my inaugural lecture – which includes regenerative design. The notes also include reference to some future thinking – which I shared about in July’s Blog post and was subsequently featured as the opening session of the Institute of Structural Engineers Annual Academics conference (which I hope to be able to share some day soon) and a short video for Engineers Without Borders. The notes also include some good book recommendations (although I have read a lot more than featured in the notes alone – maybe another post will follow on that).
Finally, January will be a big month, if all goes to plan (and it may not) we will submit the second draft of our book to our publishers and hopefully, following some minor tweaks, move into the editing phase.
Have a great Christmas break and looking forward to sharing our progress in the new year.