Faculty Timetabling & Education Officer in Education and Student Experience, Examinations, Timetabling and Graduation Team
View the BTA winners gallery. – View the BTA shortlist gallery.
Emma, quite simply, goes above and beyond to make our teaching happen in Engineering. She is collaborative, helpful and always on hand to answer queries and find the best solution for you to ensure you can deliver the best possible teaching. I don’t know what we’d do without her!
One of the marks of a true expert is that their work is so effective that it goes unnoticed. Emma is the wizard of Engineering timetabling – working behind the scenes to ensure that staff and students have places to teach and learn that match their needs.
I can’t think of any role that contributes more to our flexible, inclusive and dynamic learning environment. The range of spaces and activities that Emma supports, and her intimate knowledge of our facilities and our students’ needs (including specific critical support required for individuals) covers all facets of this criterion. Over the pandemic her adaptability has been critical to providing on-site experiences for our inherently hands-on teaching.
Through a massive effort on her own part, [Emma] has made timetabling in Engineering a well-oiled machine that smoothly facilitates a wide variety of valuable learning experiences (both physical and digital) for the students, even through the depths of the pandemic.

Couldn’t agree more with this, Emma does a simply amazing job and is a huge asset to the University.
Having worked with Emma in Engineering I agree her work is absolutely brilliant and she is such a helpful and pleasant colleague! Thrilled to see this nomination.
I was so happy to see Emma nominated for this award – she is briliant and highly skilled but also totally straightforward, positive, and creative; and a lovely person to work alongside. Her work often involves dealing with highly charged decisions and when things get fraught she has always been a beacon of sanity and calm.