Final reminder – BILT’s ‘The Connected Conference’ is next week!
Our annual virtual conference is taking place next Wednesday from 10am – 4pm and includes keynotes from Dr. Helen O’Sullivan and Dave White plus over 25 speakers from inside the University. For full details and to book your ticket please visit this page.
Student Fellow positions now available!
We are now recruiting for next academic year’s Student Fellows positions. In our fifth year of running this highly-popular student role, we are looking for six students working across five projects including:
- Decolonising the curriculum
- Embedding sustainable development into the curriculum
- Students as co-creators and researchers
- Blended learning and online community
- Experiences of disabled students
Deadline for applications is 8th August. Full details of the role can be found on the mycareers site. Get in touch with Amy Palmer for more information about the role.
BILT Associate positions – applications still being accepted
We are really please with how many people have applied to be BILT Associates so far! We’re still looking for people to work on three projects:
- Supporting students with the transition to University (applicants now must have availability in August/ September)
- Assessment and feedback
- Evaluation of projects
Full details can be found on the BILT website.
Funding and mentoring available for Education Development Projects
We are still taking applications for staff looking to undertake Education Development Projects. Funding of up to a total of £2000 and mentoring support will be attributed to each project, as outlined in the application. Projects may be anything from a few months up to 2 years long and can begin between August and October 2021.
Full details can be found on our website.
Assessment Bites: Academic Integrity and Assessment Design
One of the challenges of taking assessment online has been issues of academic integrity. In this short series of reflections and case studies we hear about perspectives on academic integrity and assessment design:
- Prof. Kate Whittington and Prof. Alvin Birdi discuss academic integrity and assessment design in this video.
- Creative Futures: Tools for changing the world- a case study from Dr. Malé Luján Escalante and Lizzie Harrison.
Blogs and podcasts
- Experiments under pressure – Dr. Jonathan Floyd shares his approach to teaching with us after his recently presentation to Education Committee.
- Thinking outside the box – Dr. James Norman compares curriculum design to solving a Rubik’s cube in his latest piece on our blog.
- A first look at Decolonising Assessment – BILT Student Fellows Jonny Barnes takes a look at the relatively unresearched area of decolonisation of assessment.
- Decolonising the curriculum series – an interview with Nana Agyare – BILT Student Fellow Rhona Wilkinson interview Bristol alumnus Nana Agyare about her experiences and work with the Student Inclusion team.
The Connected Conference, 14th July, 10am – 4pm
Full details on our Events page.
Education for Sustainability and the Climate Emergency, 17th July, 2 – 3.30pm.