BILT Briefing: Issue 61


Bristol Teaching Awards (BTAs) – winners announced!

We are delighted to announce the winners of the Bristol Teaching Awards that were shared at the Bristol Teaching Celebration event on the 16th June. Huge congratulations to all our winners and thank you to all the teaching and learning staff who have worked so tirelessly this year to create a positive learning experience for students. Find out more about this year’s winners and shortlisted nominees on the BILT blog.

The Connected Conference’ – tickets now available

We invite all staff to join us for our annual conference, ‘The Connected Conference’, which will look at how we’ve connected to the city, the curriculum, cohorts and tutees over the last year. The conference takes place on July 14th from 10am – 4pm, with a keynote from Helen O’ Sullivan, a panel discussion on transition to university and practice sharing from staff and students across the University. Book your ticket here.

Want to join our team? BILT Associate positions available!

Colleagues are invited to join the Bristol Institute for Learning and Teaching (BILT) community as a BILT Associate and support BILT’s aim to inspire learning and teaching innovation and excellence across the University and beyond. We’re looking for Associates to support projects on:

  • Students transition to university
  • Assessment and feedback  
  • Evaluation of projects

Deadlines for applications vary depending on project theme and when applicants wish to start. Visit the BILT website for full details.

Funding available to support Education Development Projects

We currently have funding/mentoring support opportunities for staff looking to undertake projects which support the evaluation, iterative redesign, extension and dissemination of innovations in teaching and assessment around a range of themes. Find out more on the BILT website

Deadline is Monday 2 August. Any applicants looking to begin/undertake relevant projects before this deadline should contact BILT ASAP to discuss possible support options. 


Assessment Bites: Preparing Students for Assessment

One of the challenges for assessment over the last year has been ensuring students are prepared for their summative assessments, and have had plenty of opportunity to hone their skills and receive feedback. In this short series of reflections and case studies we hear from staff and students on preparing for assessment: 

New blogs and podcasts

We have a number of new blogs available this week:


The Connected Conference, July 14th, 10am – 4pm.

Our annual conference highlights the ways we have connected with the city, our curriculum, tutees and cohorts over the past year. See full details and book your place here.

Personal Tutoring workshops, various dates and times.

Visit our Events page for more details and to book your place.

Education for Sustainability and the Climate Emergency, 17th July, 2 – 3.30pm.

Book tickets and see full details here.

Get in touch with BILT ( if there’s something you’d like to share via this Briefing. Our next Briefing will be released on July 9th.

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