BILT Presents: ‘The Connected Conference’ – taking place online on 14th July
We are delighted to invite you to the annual BILT conference! This year’s BILT conference will explore how different connections have been established and nurtured, both in-person and online, and how we can take this forward into next year for both new and returning students. Specifically, we will focus on:

- Connecting with tutees
- Connecting with the city
- Connecting to the curriculum
- Connecting with cohorts
**Call for contributions – ‘Connecting with the city’**
We are looking for colleagues to share their practice on ‘Connecting with the city’ in the form of short (7-10 minute) presentations during the day. Whether its engaging with local businesses or talking walking tours around Bristol, get in touch if you would like to share what you’re doing! Email Amy Palmer or BILT to tell us more.

Assessment Bites: Authentic Assessment
Assessment over the last year has been both challenging and rewarding. Over the next 3 BILT briefings we draw on staff and students to reflect on assessment which has really gone the extra mile to stimulate and inspire learning, as well as some of the challenges of taking assessment online.
In this briefing we draw on some reflections and case studies on authentic assessment – assessment that reflects real-world tasks – and on assessment that is research-rich, giving students a taste for doing research.
- Research-Rich Assessments in English with Alexia Kirov (MA Medieval Studies) (20 min podcast)
- The Research Experiences of an Intercalated Veterinary Student with Ellie Best (20 min podcast)
- PGT authentic assessment – Centre for Innovation case study (Keir Williams) (case study)
Teaching and Learning Gallery
We have two new installments to the Teaching and Learning gallery this week.
Aisling Tierney has published two blogs this fortnight:
We have a new episode of the BILT Broadcast podcast available! Amy Palmer interviews the PGCAP team and talks about their use of formative assessment, modelling good teaching and what the new programme entails. Listen here or on Spotify and Apple Podcasts by searching ‘BILT Broadcast’.
Bristol Teaching Celebration (and Bristol Teaching Awards) – 16th June, 2 – 3.30pm.
Education for Sustainability and the Climate Emergency, 17th July, 2 – 3.30pm.
Book tickets and see full details here.
The Connected Conference, 14th July, 10am – 4pm. Event details.