…And the Bristol Teaching Award nominees are in!

We’d like to say a huge thank you and congratulations to all staff nominated for a Bristol Teaching Award this year. We’ve had nearly 1000 nominations for this year’s Awards; a testament to the amazing hard work and dedication shown throughout this period!
Nominees have now been notified and the details of nominees and why they were nominated are available to view on the University’s ‘Thanks and Recognition System’. Why not take a look and extend messages of congratulations to those you know and/or work with!
Congratulations to all those staff and teams nominated. The shortlist will be announced on the w/c 24th May.
Bristol Teaching Celebration

The Bristol Teaching Celebration event is open to all staff who have taught, supported and enabled the education of our students this year. The event will include:
- Announcement of this year’s Bristol Teaching Awards and live reactions
- 2020-21 teaching highlights
- Addresses from the Vice Chancellor and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education)
Find out more and register to attend.
Digital Education Office
Following on from the great work of the Student Digital Champions, Bristol Futures Mentors and previous student interns, the Digital Education Office are now expanding their student roles within the team. Full details can be found in their blog post The Digital Education Office are hiring!
Open Units and Engaged Learning
Hannah Tweddell, Engaged Learning Coordinator, has written a blog about the latest Engaged Learning meeting, where they discussed the integration with open units and the challenges and opportunities this could bring.
The next Engaged Learning Community meeting is taking place on June 2nd at 11am – if you’d like to come along, please email Hannah.
BILT Podcasts

There are over 40 different episodes on our podcast, with topics ranging from blended learning to decolonising the curriculum and interviews with academics.
You can listen to the podcast via Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts and Spotify, just search for ‘BILT Broadcast’ and make sure to follow us to be notified of new episodes!
Celebrating and learning from the first Festival of Undergraduate Research
Student Fellow Rhona Wilkinson reflects on her experience of the recent Festival of Undergraduate research in this informative blog post.
Research without Borders, May 19th, 10am – 4pm. Book your ticket.
Organised by the Bristol Doctoral College, Research without Borders is the University’s festival of postgraduate research — a celebration of the pioneering work being done by postgraduate researchers (PGRs) across all faculties and schools.
Daily drop-in with the Digital Education Office, 3pm – 4pm. Joining instructions available via this link.
Your chance to talk to the team and ask any questions you have regarding the move to online teaching. The drop-in is a place for DEO to provide you with hands-on support for any queries or issues you are experiencing.
Bristol Teaching Celebration, 16th June, 2pm – 3.30pm. Register online.
Includes the Bristol Teaching Awards. See above for more details.