Undergraduate Research Journal – call for abstracts
Please share with any relevant students – The BILT Student Research Journal is now calling for abstracts from undergraduate and postgraduate taught students. This can be an abstract for an essay you have already written as part of your course or it can be a chance to write on a topic you’re interested in exploring. Applications close 9am Monday 19th April. Find out more, including details on how to submit your abstract.
Online Mingles Toolkit
Find out more about online mingles, where they can be hosted and how to organise, structure and facilitate them in this helpful Digital Education Office resource.
Can sustainability be effectively integrated into our curriculum?

Student Fellow Rhona Wilkinson explores emerging discussion points, themes and debates from the University of Bristol People’s Assembly and considers ways that sustainability can be integrated into the curriculum in this interesting post.
Online group work tools – student recommendations and preferences
In this case study video Student Digital Champions outline student feedback on the use of digital platforms for collaboration and communication purposes.
Festival of Undergraduate Research 2021 – April 28th, 9:15am – 5pm

Please share with any students you think would be interested in attending. Organised by BILT and co-managed by our team of BILT Student Fellows this event will celebrate student created content through poster, podcasts etc on the BILT blog and through student presentations during the live event. Visit the festival pages to find out more, register your attendance and/or get involved.
If there is anything you would like to share via this briefing, please get in touch with the BILT Team at