Student Digital Champions
Bristol SU and the Digital Education Office are looking for 12 students (undergraduate and postgraduate) to help shape and improve Bristol students’ experience of blended learning this academic year. The team will be made up of one undergraduate and one postgraduate student per faculty. Please feel free to share this with the students you teach who can find out more on the SU website. Closing date for applications is this Monday, 2 November at 9am.
Observing teaching
We have added an Observations of Teaching form to our wealth of resources on the BILT website. The form is intended for any teaching staff, and those on the CREATE scheme, who wish to take the opportunity to learn from one another and reflect on their own teaching practice. Find out more and view the form on the BILT website.
‘Reasons to be cheerful’ blog post
In this blog we have compiled a range of observations from across the University which demonstrate some of the positive impact witnessed from the adoption of blended learning. We hope these reflections will provide (at least) 8 reasons to be cheerful.
Reminder of Digital Education Office guidance
There are a wide range of guides available on the Digital Education Office webpages, from how to embed a Padlet in Blackboard to tips for teaching to the void. You can also browse the A to Z of guides. If you have any comments or suggestions for a guide you would find useful please contact the DEO at
National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) and Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) 2021 – workshops next week
BILT will be hosting workshops next week for anyone interested in finding out more about the NTF or CATE schemes with a view to submitting an expression of interest this year or in the future. Find out more and sign-up on the NTF and CATE pages. Feel free to pass these details onto any member of staff who you think may be eligible and interested in the scheme.
Blended learning and teaching course – expression of interest
This online course has been specifically designed for hourly paid staff to support you in your role as we face the challenges of a new learning and teaching environment. If you are an hourly paid staff member and have yet to complete this course, please complete the expression of interest form and you will receive further details on when and how the course will be run.
JISC webinar – Learning and teaching reimagined, a new dawn for higher education?
This JISC webinar, taking place on Wednesday 4th November, 11am – 12pm, may be of particular interest to Directors of Teaching and Learning and Library Directors. The webinar will focus on recommendations for how we seize opportunities in today’s climate to achieve a desirable future for learning and teaching in HE and aims to answer the questions ‘where do we go from here?’
DEO – Range of events
Please visit the DEO Events page for full listings of forthcoming events.
If there is anything you would like to share via this briefing, please get in touch with the BILT Team at